

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Memilih Engine yg baik

Secara umum mesin (engine) yg banyak digunakan oleh para Modeller adalah single cylinder, dua langkah dgn tipe reciprocating berpendingin udara serta menggunakan Glow plug sebagai ignitor. Bahan bakar yg digunakan adalah khusus yaitu campuran Methanol, Nitromethane serta Castor oil. Umumnya bahan mesin terbuat dari Cast dan Forged machined Aluminum. Tenaga yg dihasilkan dari mesin kecil ini sangatlah fenomena dan bervariasi tergantung dari design yg dibuat.
Mesin dgn ukuran .40 dapat menghasilkan 1.1 Horsepower dgn kecepatan mencapai 11.500 RPM. Begitu halnya dgn mesin khusus yg dibuat untuk racing, dgn ukuran yg sama tetapi dapat menghasilkan tenaga 2.4 Horsepower dan kecepatan putaran mencapai 20.000 RPM. Semua mesin-mesin ini pada prinsipnya mempunyai komponen dasar yg sama.

Air Bleed Screw - Screw for adjusting the amount of air allowed to bleed into the carburetor
during idle

Backplate - Cover over the rear of the crankcase

Carburetor - Device which mixes fuel and air and controls the amount of mixture entering the engine

Crankcase - Main body of the engine

Cylinder - The section of the crankcase where combustion takes place

Glow plug - Device which provides heat for ignition of the air/fuel mixture

Head - The component which forms the end of the compression chamber of the engine

Mounting Lug - The section of the crankcase used to mount the engine to the airplane

Muffler - The device which reduces the noise level of the engine

Needle Valve - The device used to adjust the air/fuel mixture

Prop Shaft - The main crankshaft which transfers the power of the engine to the propeller

Throttle Stop Screw - Screw for setting the lower limit of the throttle movement

Design sebuah mesin sangatlah berpengaruh pada reliability, daya tahan, serta tenaga yg dihasilkan. Bearing atau bushing digunakan untuk propeller shaft yg terpasang diantara piston, wall cylinder, serta prop shaft. Kebanyakan mesin-mesin yg ada dipasaran saat ini diklasifikasikan sebagai ABC engine; Pistonnya terbuat dari Aluminum serta cylinder sleeve-nya terbuat dari Chrome Plate Bronze. Kombinasi ini biasanya menghasilkan mesin yg baik dan bebas dari masalah sejauh mendapat perawatan yg baik. Tipe bearing yg digunakan untuk propeller shaft adalah Ball bearing yg biasanya menghasilkan lebih 25% tenaga dan tahan lama.

Berikut referensi mesin ukuran .40 termasuk dlm category the Best!

OS 40 FP
Inexpensive, easy to start, reliable, most widely accepted entry level engine
Inexpensive, easy to start, reliable, newest entry level engine
More expensive, easy to start, reliable, powerful, sport and competition engine
Thunder Tiger GP42
Inexpensive, easy to start, reliable, fastest growing acceptance for entry level engine
Thunder Tiger Pro40
More expensive, easy to start, reliable, powerful, sport and competition engine
Magnum GP40
Least expensive, easy to start, reliable

Magnum Pro40
More expensive, easy to start, reliable, powerful, sport and competition engine

Super Tigre GS40
More expensive, reliable, powerful, sport and competition engine

Enya 40TV
More expensive, easy to start, reliable, powerful, sport and competition engine

Remommendation: OS engine banyak diminati para Modeller

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